Bukowski je rekao, parafraziram: sve je više pjesama a sve manje pjesnika. Jasno je na što je mislio. Opet, gledajući samu definiciju poezije, nije baš sve tako crno i bijelo. Napisana poezija nikoga ne čini poetom, već ga čini sudionikom u pokušaju stvaranja poezije. Što je svakako pozitivno. Poetski uradak, odnosno pjesma, rađa se iz ljudskih osobnih osjećaja ili mišljenja o pojedinoj temi. Netko je imao nešto za reći, stoga je to i učinio. Da li je taj netko pjesnik? Zar je važno? Rekao je. Na ovaj ili onaj način.
Prisjetimo se velikog poetičara koji je kroz glazbu svojim tekstovima promijenio svijet. Čovjeka kojega će još generacije i generacije slušati i upijati u sebe: Jim Morrisona (08.12.1943. – 03.07.1971.).
Njegove riječi nikada neće otići u zaborav, jer su posebne. Nekima teške i nerazumljive, a drugima jasne i snažne. A ti drugi dobro znaju zašto su im Morrisonove riječi jasne, jer proživljene su u njihovim dušama, srcima, žilama.
Postoji još jedan poeta koji svoje riječi stapa s glazbom, čovjek koji za razliku od Morrisona svira klavir i gitaru, te sam sklada svoje pjesme (u svakome smislu).
Njegovo ime je Dax Riggs. Rođen je 15.10.1973. u Evansvilleu, Indiana, USA.
Počeo je stvarati u ranoj mladosti u glazbenoj skupini Corruption koja je bila cover band i nikada nije imala vlastiti koncert. Nakon toga bio je član skupine Golgotha koja je kasnije preimenovana u Acid Bath, što je službeno njegova prva glazbena skupina. Dax piše tekstove, pjeva i definitivno postaje ikona koju nikako ne treba zaobići.
Prvi album When the Kite String Pops donosi predivnu sludge baladu Scream of the butterfly, u kojoj Dax, možda i nesvjesno, povezuje sebe i Morrisona. U pjesmi When the music’s over skupine The Doors Jim Morrison govori: „Before I sink Into the big sleep I want to hear I want to hear The scream of the butterfly“. Povezanost se može pronaći i u samom nazivu skupine Acid Bath (acid je sinonim za LSD) i Jimovom načinu života (LSD, LSD, pa ponekad i nešto drugo), kao i u samim tekstovima pjesama.
Moguće je da Dax nije uzeo Morrisona kao uzora u pisanju i stvaranju, ali moguće je i da jest.
Drugi album Paegan Terrorism Tactics skupine Acid Bath glazbeno govori potpuno drugačijim jezikom i tu se definitivno nazire promjena u Daxovom načinu izražavanja, odnosno tada Dax nesvjesno najavljuje u kojem će smjeru kretati dalje. S albuma možemo izdvojiti pjesme Bleed Me an Ocean, Dead Girl, te Venus Blue koje su prvi pokazatelji promjena. Nakon tragične smrti bas gitariste Audie Pitrea 1997. godine, skupina Acid Bath prestaje s radom, stoga se Dax se posvećuje solo projektu Daisyhead & The Mooncrickets. Zatim, 2000. godine, s Mike Sanchezom (članom postave Acid Bath) osniva skupinu Agents of Oblivion. Dax napokon počinje stvarati sporiju glazbu, vokali više dolaze do izražaja, a samim time i njegova poezija. Nažalost, Agents of Oblivion izdaju samo jedan službeni album, koji je je prepun hitova poput: The Hangman’s Daughter, Ladybug, Wither, itd.
Nakon kraha još jednog projekta Dax ide korak dalje, zajedno s Tessie Brunet osniva skupinu Deadboy & the Elephantmen gdje se u potpunosti otvara i kreće u jednu tešku psihodeličnu priču. Morrison bi svakako bio ganut ovim projektom. Album If This is Hell, Then I’m Lucky izlazi 2002. godine i donosi nekoliko hitova: Strange Television, Waking Up Insane, Song With No Name, kao i mnoge druge. Deadboy & the Elephantmen nastavljaju s EP izdanjem Song Mechanism (2004), te albumom We Are Night Sky (2005).
Dax se u tom periodu upušta i u obrade pjesama izvođača kao što su: Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Pixies, Bob Dylan, Richard Thompson, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, itd. Opušteno stvara i otvoreno uživa u slowmotion zvucima koje proizvodi. Konačno, 2007. godine počinje raditi samostalno pod svojim imenom Dax Riggs, te izdaje prvi album pod nazivom We Sing for Only Blood or Love. Poezija počinje poprimati jedno novo obličje, poznato ali opet novo. Pjesmom Didn’t Know Yet What I’d Know When I Was Bleedin’ Dax potvrđuje svoj status umjetnika i vladara cijele Louisiane govoreći:
Felt a puppet on a string along the vortex weeping;
Lord have you heard the roaring dragon eat the virgin.
I Didn’t know yet, what I’d know when I was bleeding.
I seem to forgot what I learned when I was falling.
I Didn’t know yet, what I’d know when I was bleeding.
Svoj drugi album Say Goodnight to the World, Dax objavljuje 2010. godine. Čini se kao da se njime doslovno pozdravio sa svijetom, jer od tada do danas Dax kao da sniva negdje duboko u močvarama između Floride i Louisiane; uživa koračajući kroz svoje začarane snove.
All these stars you”ve been reaching after.
We been after,
We been after..
I could disappear
live only in your tears.
Just you whisper in my ear
and say good night to the world.
This is the way that the sourcorers say,
they say good night,
say good night to the world.
Ipak, Dax je borac. Uvijek je nastavljao dalje, pod novim imenom, s novim glazbenicima, naposljetku i sam, tako da možemo očekivati njegov povratak na scenu i to vrlo vjerojatno u nešto drugačijem stilu – a opet tako jednakom.
Do tada možemo uživati u već napisanim djelima.
Scream Of The Butterfly
A creature made of sunshine
Her eyes were like the sky
Rabbit howls like something old
As we twitch to a lullaby
The scapel shines in god’s sunshine
The Streetlights whisper pain
Down here near the poison stream
Our god has gone insane
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry…
Like the scream of the butterfly
Sunshine in the house of flames
She loves it where she gets it
But it’s never felt the same
Surgery, in the house of dissection
When your candle burns out..I’ll resurrect you
She runs
Through fields of daisies
Yeah, it’s just a shame that they eat their own babies
Who cares
Cos the air is free
When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?
There’s blood on the moon and the summer is cold
There’s love in the room
But baby that’s getting old
There’s blood on my face sittin’ on uhh dead shore
A highway,highway of emptiness and I’m getting bored
There’s blood on the moon as we plan our escape
The goddess in bloom
Handcuffed and raped
There’s blood in the bathtub baby
Murder the king
There’s blood on the moon
There’s blood on just about everything
Sunshine in the house of flames
She loves it where she gets it
But it’s never felt the same
Surgery, in the house of dissection
When your candle burns out..I’ll resurrect you
She runs
Through fields of daisies
Yeah, it’s just a shame that they eat their own babies
Who cares
Cos the air is free
When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?
Something cold is forced inside her
A tears spill down her cheek
Stillborn songs of a dead dreamer
Hymn’s of a needle freak
With sunlight in her hair she smiles like she don’t care
Her dreams of liquid blue
I cut my self again and again to remind myslef of you
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry…
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry…
Like the scream of the butterfly
I like the scream of the butterfly
I met an angel with a sawed-off shotgun
Wanted by the FBI
We dropped some acid
Killed our parents
Then we hit the road
I like the scream of the butterfly
The Hangmans Daughter
Woman and child
Like a feather falls from the sky
So dark, so dark in the moonlight
Naked we worship the night sky
No man can hold what the darkness can sow
Gonna leave an ugly skull when ya go
Tongues like horns violently born a new soul
The soft dead awake alive in love
Hard for the hangmans daughter
Naked we worship the night sky
No man can hold what the darkness can sow
Gonna leave an ugly skull when ya go.
Dead Girl
Dead girl
There will never be another one that dreams like you
Dead girl
There will never be another one that screams like you
When death sleeps, it dreams of you
Delilah played the dead girl at the freak show
She smiles like a ghost
Like zombies eatin’ dust in Mexico
Life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights
She asked if it would hurt
I smiled and said no
The lie ran down my chin like embryo
She smiles like a corpse
Like zombies eatin’ dust in Mexico
Life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights
When death sleeps, it dreams of you
Dead girl
There will never be another one to look in your eyes
Dead girl
There will never be another one that bleeds like you
I been dryin’ in a dead age
I been reekin’ of the new plague
The sound of the ocean is dead
It’s just the echo of the blood in your head
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sound of the ocean is dead
It’s just the echo of the blood in your head
Burning your black flags
Burning your black flags
I been dryin’ in a dead age
I been reekin’ of the new plague
The sound of the ocean is dead
It’s just the echo of the blood in your head
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sound of the ocean is dead
It’s just the echo of the blood in your head
Burning your black flags
Mario Lovreković – Lovra
Foto: YouTube screenshot